Couples Counseling & Therapy

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Couples Therapy

Couples Counseling & Therapy

Welcome. If you’re reading this page, you are taking the first important step toward improving your relationship. When someone is experiencing relationship difficulties deciding to seek help is often the most difficult, but most vital step. For many couples, it takes feeling like their relationship is “hanging by a thread,” feeling that they are stuck in a negative cycle, or they have experienced a very painful relationship event or change that leads them to seek relationship counseling.

Couples counseling can provide individuals with communication skills and a safe space where they can have the opportunity to say the unsaid and finally feel heard or understood by their partner. Having a trained, objective third party allows couples to work through difficult feelings, such as anger, resentment, hurt, or disappointment. This also provides the couple with the opportunity to become more able to make difficult or life-changing decisions in a healthy way. Maladaptive relationship patterns and cycles can be identified and addressed by couples counseling, so that connection and intimacy can be recovered. When a “relationship trauma,” such as infidelity or other forms of betrayal has occurred, the couple can address underlying feelings and rebuild trust, so that healing may occur.